Monday, 26 March 2012

the re-discovery of crayon and my love of the colouring book!!

Deciding how to colour my pictures has always been really difficult. After playing on photoshop i discovered that its really a lot easier just to scribble the colour in. This is loads more fun that it sounds. Reminding me of my childhood days and the massive stacks of colouring books i had.

Harajuku spirit: My tribute to the crazy outfits of the harajuku kids.

Attack of the green monster from the swamp: Inspired by my love of really cheesy japanese monster movies from the 19'60s.

F for Fez redo:

Althought this is just a screenshot its coming along. Finally :')

Thursday, 15 March 2012

we are words and

we are words and pictures
Everyone should definatley check out this website. These guys release a newspaper quarterly called paper science featuring the work of some damn good comic artists and illustrators. There not that expensive either just £3 a copy.

kristyna Baczynski - comic illustrator

I first saw her work in travelling man in leeds, she did an awesome instillation in their shop window. She also contributed to the music special of paper science. Front page stuff.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Learn to write: A,B,C

Already with the red.

Adding red? You definatley cant go wrong there. More colours would be more exiting but also take tons of time, and who has any of that spare?

K for Karate :) simple minds.

L for Liposuction. The thing every girl wants but wont admit to.

Lets learn how to write our a,b,c's!! Working on a "how to" book at the moment for the puny illiterate toddler that i secretly am, after finding a cheesy brightly coloured version at work. Just my excuse to draw loads of characters for random words realy, such as star trek and manga.

The first illustrations are always the hardest. (not realy, probably the easiest )

The first illustration so far minus the page design or anything else important:
A for Antichrist
B for Braindead

C for Camp, Crossdressing or confused. not too sure which one yet.
D for Depression

E for Exorcism
F for Fez

G for George. The one and only
H for Hairy
I for Igor
J for Japanism

Thursday, 10 November 2011


Japan: Land of dragons, mountains and the inevitable tsunami

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Welcome back internet!!!

Life without the internet is impossible as i have found out these past two months. I didnt think i was that lame but apparently i am. Disapointed? No not really. During my internet free time i had a thing for drawing people on hills. Strange times. Maybe it was a sign? Or not.

Friday, 8 July 2011


A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Not too sure what this means but it sounds good.

Your heart is my pinata. I dont quite think this is a positive love quote but it will do anyway. Love isn't always good im sure.

Waiting for you to love me. This is the sad love quote, although its not so much a quote as the others are i thought it sounded nice.

Love is a game that two can play. The full quote is "love is a game that two can play and both win" I didnt think that last bit was realy needed so i left it out >.< naughty naughty.